Hope & Knowledge for Movement Disorders
The treatment of complex movement disorders requires that patients understand the diagnosis, expectations, and the definition of top-quality care.

Mission Statement
Benefitting every patient in need of neuromodulation worldwide
How We Help
We facilitate affordable access to neuromodulatory therapies for patients around the world, met by a well-trained and technologically advanced industry.
Medline Plus
Medline Plus is the National Institutes of Health’s website for patients and their families. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it contains information about diseases, conditions and wellness issues in a language you can understand.
Related topics available on the MedlinePlus website:
National Parkinson Foundation
The National Parkinson Foundation makes life better for people with Parkinson’s through expert care and research. In addition to general information about Parkinson’s disease, visitors can search for resources near them or ask questions using their discussion forums.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson’s today. Their website includes information to help individuals understand his or her Parkinson’s symptoms and diagnosis, as well as an overview of treatment options and advice for family members.
Local Programs & Support Groups
Many local organizations exist to support individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease, as well as their families. These local organizations often offer support groups, educational programs and activities. Organizations which serve the geographical regions closest to GNC’s office are listed below.
Medline Plus
Medline Plus is the National Institutes of Health’s website for patients and their families. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it contains information about diseases, conditions and wellness issues in a language you can understand.
Related topics available on the MedlinePlus website:
National Parkinson Foundation
The National Parkinson Foundation makes life better for people with Parkinson’s through expert care and research. In addition to general information about Parkinson’s disease, visitors can search for resources near them or ask questions using their discussion forums.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson’s today. Their website includes information to help individuals understand his or her Parkinson’s symptoms and diagnosis, as well as an overview of treatment options and advice for family members.
Local Programs & Support Groups
Many local organizations exist to support individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease, as well as their families. These local organizations often offer support groups, educational programs and activities. Organizations which serve the geographical regions closest to GNC’s office are listed below.

For Professionals
We offer training and ongoing support for the local physician that carries out principle, day-to-day care. GNC has served as a resource for physicians and healthcare providers worldwide.
Referring physicians receive consultation and training with ongoing patient-specific communication regarding advances in treatment options including, but not limited to, DBS. Together we work to ensure newly diagnosed patients get off to the right start and that all patients receive optimal care.

IONM Course Set For Tuesday, April 29th, 2025
Greenville Neuromodulation Center will be offering a three-day Intensive course on Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring (IONM) for Deep Brain Stimulation. Our new course outline is the perfect opportunity for medical professionals to expand their knowledge of neurophysiology pertinent to deep brain stimulation (DBS). Hands-on, case-based learning for physicians, neurologists, neurophysiologists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, technical and industry professionals. Scholarships are available for residents, fellows and graduate students.
DBS Programming Essays
Commentary and Essays for users of Deep Brain Stimulation Programming: Mechanisms, Principles & Practice (2nd ed.)
- Commentary – The Case for Deep Brain Stimulation
- Commentary – The Future of Deep Brain Stimulation
- Essay – The Basic Unit of Information in the Brain
- Essay – The Ideal DBS System
- Essay – Automated Assistive Deep Brain Stimulation Programming
DBS Programming Forms
For users of Deep Brain Stimulation Programming: Mechanisms, Principles & Practice (2nd ed.):
- Aids for Programming: Paper Documentation
- Algorithm and Checklist for Electrode Configurations
- DBS Adjustment GPi Dyskinesia
- DBS Adjustment GPi Dystonia
- DBS Adjustment GPi PD
- DBS Adjustment GPi Tics
- DBS Adjustment STN Dystonia
- DBS Adjusment STN PD
- DBS Adjustment STN Tics
- DBS Adjustment Vim Tremor
- General Review of Systems for Patients with Implanted DBS Systems
- Index to DBS Adverse Effects
Our Partnerships
Long-term success depends on our commitment to collaboration. By teaming with generous donors, industry partners, government agencies and foundations, we will advance research, train the next generation of leaders and empower physicians worldwide.
Thiel College
Located in Greenville, Pennsylvania and known for its commitment to student success and growth, Thiel boasts dedicated faculty, numerous leadership opportunities and a wide variety of student activities and organizations.
In 2005, we joined Thiel in developing the Thiel College Neuroscience Program, an interdisciplinary endeavor that both exploits and improves the interface between biology and psychology. The program emphasizes experiential learning by requiring students to gain laboratory experience, take field trips, and complete internships and senior research projects. In doing so it prepares students for graduate programs in neuroscience, biology and psychology, and professional programs in various areas of allied health. It also readies them for such entry-level positions as technologist and sales representative.
In addition to working with Thiel College’s Neuroscience Program, GNC has developed innovative, auxiliary partnerships with medical device manufacturers and other biotechnology leaders. These partnerships will benefit GNC patients, Thiel students and medical communities worldwide.
Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring
FHC, Inc. provides a complete turnkey system to facilitate virtually any neurosurgeon, anywhere, in providing DBS lead implantation surgery.
Services include:
- Fabrication of patient specific stereotactic frames
- Consultation for image based targeting by GNC experts
- Real time, internet based, neurophysiological monitoring for Deep Brain Stimulation lead implantation by GNC experts
Learn more about FHC’s neuroCase program by visiting their website
Careers at GNC
We’d like to hear about the skills, experience, and attributes that have prepared you to join our team in the satisfying pursuit of improving people’s lives every day. To apply for an open position, please include a detailed resume or CV and cover letter. Credentials can be sent to bbeck@fh-co.com
Internship Opportunities
GNC offers internship opportunities for Thiel College students enrolled in majors such as biology, neuroscience or communication science and disorders. Students have the opportunity to collaborate with GNC staff on current research projects or work with our researchers to develop their own projects.
Thiel College students who are interested in applying for a GNC internship should forward the following documents to GNC by e-mail at info@grnneuromod.com:
- Letter of Intent detailing research interest and future education/career goals
- Resume
- Reference Letter from a faculty member
- Thiel College transcript – an unofficial copy is acceptable
After a review of their materials, students will be contacted for an interview to further discuss the program.